on your way to lala land

a place where anything and everything goes

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the process of processing

The energy is shifting. The anxiety is peaking. The emotions are high. Tunnel vision, yet unsure where to put your focus.

You can feel a shift. You are hyper aware of your surrounds. Your senses are working overtime.

There is little sleep without assistance. Wine. Xanex.

There is struggle to get the right energy balance to be productive. Coffee. Xanex.

You have moments of what feels like a breakthrough. Momentarily you are right where you feel you need to be. All is clear. Then the loss of clarity returns. This internal struggle is nauseating.

Is the fight we are about to enter what we want to be a part of? Is the life path you thought you were on shifting to a new journey? Are you happy? Or have you been happy because you thought you had to be? How can you feel lost, yet know you are right here?

Mentally exhausted. Unmotivated. Yet unable to quit. You are Wonder Woman. A Queen. These woman never fall without getting back up. Have I fallen? Am I trying to get back up? Or am I up and just unsure how or which way to walk forward? I am strong. I know I am get through any challenge. But what is this challenge I am facing?

Keep reminding yourself to hang on. We are all in a tree of life. The wind is challenging our strength. It is challenging our inner voice. It is requiring us to ask ourselves, are we good with where we are? Or do we try to climb to next branch. Who will we hurt with the choice we make? What is the ripple effect of what we choose? Is the next branch even an option? Are you worthy of the next branch?

I am Wonder Woman. A Queen. I can hang on. But what branch will I be on when the wind stops blowing?