on your way to lala land

a place where anything and everything goes

bitches beware

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Listening to love line this evening on my way home from my in-laws, a lady called in saying she was torn between two lovers. She wasn’t sure which one she should try to make a relationship with. The first man is 28years old, has a good job, sweet and thoughtful. Just over all a great guy. Lover number 2 is a bit older, good job, kind, generous, and married…MARRIED. She was speaking about lover number 2 as if he even really should be an option. I couldn’t even comprehend all she was saying as I couldn’t get over how she was so nonchalantly speaking about the topic.

She would say things like “I just feel that I can’t live without either of them so that is why I am having such a horrible time choosing between the two”. Oh dear me! I have two men who show me love and affection and I just don’t know what to do! Bitch, the man is married! Have you no respect for your fellow ladies of the world? It is bad enough when a woman has two men gawking over them and they complain how horrible it is that they have to choose which amazing man to be with. But to have one of those men be married?! Not only will you probably hurt the guy you dump but you will rip apart a love that you had no business meddling with in the first place!

Even though I have no idea who these people are or the entire story of how it all became, I still can’t help to feel rage for the second lovers wife.

Girl, if you are out there and you stumble upon this blog, contact me. I will help you with you revenge. Bitches…beware!

Author: onyourwaytolalaland

Children, Love, Family and Dance. Blogging, for me, is an outlet that doesn't require consistency. Thank you for visiting.

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